
Time is Money So I'm buying coffee.

I just came up with my own theory, and I'm sure it's not original. Perhaps I am soley justifying my $2.00/day purchase, but even then, my theory makes sense.
If time is money, and drinking coffee allows me to get approximately 3 times as many things done per hour, than buying coffee is actually a monetary investment.
I am sitting in Panera, studying for finals. Time seems to be flying by as I cram as much information into my head as humanly possible. It's not like I haven't been paying attention all semester-- it's just that this particular class has dozens of statistics and theories that I need to remember. So, I chose Panera Bread for their unlimited refills on coffee, and the $1.89 I just spent for the "for here" mug was well worth it. Because, as I sip my coffee, I am flying through my notes.
This was my reasoning behind my theory. Sometimes I stress about how much money I spend on coffee. But, what if I did not drink coffee? Would I honestly get anything done? Everyone knows you cannot buy time, but I think buying coffee is equivalent to buying time. And, at times like these when I'm frantically memorizing theories and their statistical effects on random people surveyed, I'm willing to buy a little extra time.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is the greatest theory to come along in ages! And, speaking from my own experiments in trying to get stuff done without coffee, I must say it is spot on. Good work.
