
I'm a published writer!


My first article ever published, in Denver Christian Family Magazine. Follow the link above to read!


Mom in CO and Sarah GO

A week ago my Mom came to Colorado to visit me!! She was able to meet Bob and Marge and see where I am living, as well as get a tiny glimpse of the amazingness we call Colorado. (Sidenote: Today I read a bumper sticker that I wish I had, it had a picture of the Mountains and said "Ok, so I'm not a Native but I got here as fast as I could.") But anyways, the reason I said she got a tiny glimpse, is because it was foggy all weekend. If you have been to Colorado and seen the mountains, you understand that they are not just something you can miss. They reach to the clouds and block your view of other things. It was so foggy most of the days that it looked like there were no mountains! In fact, I think she maybe doubted there even were mountains for the first day : )
Since it was a bit chilly (aka freezing) and Mom hit it off with Bob and Marge, we played quite a bit of Mexican train the first night she was in town. She got to experience some of Bob's Hungarian cooking. I won't forget the look we exchanged when Bob proudly exclaimed, "This is a great dish, it only has five ingredients... sour cream, butter, eggs, sausage, and cheese! I hope you two aren't trying to diet!"
I played the chauffeur as Mom gazed out the window when we went to Red Rocks and then Colorado Springs the next day. In Colorado Springs we took a tour of focus on the family, ate ice cream in Adventures in Odyssey's Whit's End, explored Garden of the Gods, and had some good mother daughter bonding time.
I loved that my Mom was able to meet everyone at work! The day before she arrived, I asked Rick if she could stop in and he explained how he was thrilled to see his son's and daughter's work places, so I should always bring my Mom in to work wherever I end up. I thought this was great advice, and realized I am never too old to show my Mom what I am up to! So she toured our little office and saw my desk. I was able to explain in a more detailed way exactly what I do each day, and I think that her being at my actual desk made things clearer. She was also able to sit in the back room and watch the new veggie tale clip!
I am praying that my Mom and come back in December and volunteer in our processing center, which will then be filled with a quarter of a million shoe boxes!!!
Many of you might be wondering about the title I chose for this post: Mom in CO and Sarah GO.
Well, as previously mentioned my Mom was here, and the Sarah GO means several things. First of all, I am obviously busy with my full class schedule and full time job. GO also describes the way I feel at work lately. We sent out a press release recently, and I feel as though I have to be in complete pursuit if I want to see any positive results. GO (get 'em) really describes what I do at work as I sift through my contacts and try to convince them to publish something about OCC. There have been results though, and I am encouraged as more and more articles get published every day. The final reason I wrote Sarah GO, is that I am running the Denver Half Marathon in 8 hours from right now... so I better get some rest!

I miss everyone!