
The End of 435!

     The last nine posts on this blog have given only a brief explanation of what I've learned by taking Com 435. I remember a few months back thinking I was caught up with technology. I had just forced myself to get a Twitter account, and I figured that was the point technology was at. I thought I had joined the newest social media site available to the public and therefore was up to date on all technology. Now I realize how far I was from the truth. This class dug way deeper into emerging technologies and allowed me to catch a glimpse of their impact on society.
     I had no idea how big of an impact technology has on the individual. I have learned of our dependence on these technologies, and how our world is structured around technology, particularly the newest technologies. Technology is so integrated into our lives we cannot even see the impact it has until we take a step back and study it.
     For example, the computer. If students at Purdue University had to take Com 435 twenty years ago, they would have learned about the different parts of the computer technologies linked with the computer, like e-mail, printer, internet, etc. Now, those things are so integrated into everyday use we seldom take the time to realize they too, were once emerging.
     The whole point of this is that all the technologies we've studied in Com 435 are what the future is made of. From GPS to robotics to virtual reality to social media, our future is comprised of what's being invented and integrated now. Now I realize how much of our lives are based around these technologies and what sorts of social implications are emerging.
    The future looks bright in terms of technology, I just hope I can stay caught up!

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